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ADS-B Drone Collision Avoidance System

— Development Team —

Edward Dibbs: a senior at UNR studying Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). His academic interests include game development, AI, drones, and robotics. Since November 2014, Edward has been interning at a local engineering shop as a Software Engineer. After his graduation, he plans to relocate to San Francisco to work in the video game industry.

Dat Luu: a senior at UNR in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). He is on schedule for graduating next semester. He is interested in Computer Vision, Computer Human Interaction, AI, and Robot. After graduation, he will continue studying to get a master’s degree while doing research project for UNR faculties.

Andrew Menard: a senior at UNR planning on graduating in may 2016. He works hard to eventually enter the game development field, but he is also interested in many other fields of computer science as well. Andrew also enjoys playing golf as an additional hobby.